About Me


What I Do For Money

I write computer programs. When bad guys break into a computer, I help figure out what they did. I also teach people about programming and math.

I created the Cyber Fire program which has been teaching people about all sorts of computer security things since 2009.

I also run https://dirtbags.net/, which has some free tools I’ve created to help do the kind of work I do.

I am proud to be employed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. For 20 years prior, I worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

What I Do For Fun

I play Irish traditional music, mostly on Uilleann bagpipes and Low D whistle. I play with the local trad session, and also run the Los Alamos Slow Session, for people who are interested in learning Irish traditional music, and prefer a private venue with other learners.

For a few years, I ran an all-girls computer hacking contest called Queen Of The Hill.

Years ago, I helped my county install some bike lanes and start up its bus service. Politics was very stressful for me, though, so I stepped away.


I’m an inventor, I suppose. I probably have 40 awful inventions for every 1 good one.

Here are some of the better ones that I didn’t do for work: