What I Do For Money
I write computer programs. When bad guys break into a computer, I help figure out what they did. I also teach people about programming and math.
I created the Cyber Fire program which has been teaching people about all sorts of computer security things since 2009.
I also run https://dirtbags.net/, which has some free tools I’ve created to help do the kind of work I do.
I am proud to be employed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. For 20 years prior, I worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
What I Do For Fun
I play Irish traditional music, mostly on Uilleann bagpipes and Low D whistle. I play with the local trad session, and also run the Los Alamos Slow Session, for people who are interested in learning Irish traditional music, and prefer a private venue with other learners.
For a few years, I ran an all-girls computer hacking contest called Queen Of The Hill.
Years ago, I helped my county install some bike lanes and start up its bus service. Politics was very stressful for me, though, so I stepped away.
I’m an inventor, I suppose. I probably have 40 awful inventions for every 1 good one.
Here are some of the better ones that I didn’t do for work:
- 3D printable Uilleann bagpipes [work in progress], should make it possible to get a good-sounding full set for under $100, and you can print it out in a day or two. That’s about 1/10th the price of the cheapest option currently available.
- MIDI Irish concertina [work in progress], is really just a computer keyboard with a twist. This will have a built-in tone generator so you can practice with headphones.
- Wii Rock Band Guitar and Drums lets you 3D print a Rock Band guitar or hack a cheap toy drum into a video game controller for playing Rock Band style games, including the new (in 2023) “Clone Hero”.
- Vail Internet Morse Code Relay, so you can send morse code to your friends without having to get a radio license or a bunch of equipment.
- Morse code key interface for people who want to connect a morse code key to a computer or smartphone.
- Hercules DJ Controller driver for Linux. This makes various models of DJ controllers appear as MIDI devices. Some of this work was also integrated into the Mixxx DJ interface.
- A roller derby scoreboard made out of wood and LEDs. You don’t need a computer or projector, and you can see it in direct sunlight.
- Internet-connected LED matrix to send fun animations to my family across the country.
- Podcast player for helping us get to sleep. You press the button, it plays a podcast episode.