Blog is short for “web log”. It’s a sort of online journal, that anyone who finds it can read.
Mostly when I write here, I’m thinking the reader will either be someone looking me up online who wants to know more about me, or someone in the future who wants to know what life was like during my time.
I don’t have a lot of personal anecdotes, or commentary on current events. Mostly this is just hobbies and idle thoughts.
- Drone reed (2025-Jan-29)
- My pipes and flute (2025-Jan-19)
- Jelly Star apps (2025-Jan-17)
- Auto-cran (2025-Jan-15)
- Flute breakthrough (2025-Jan-03)
- 3D Printed Flute (2024-Dec-04)
- New Uilleann Pipes (2024-Nov-27)
- business-train-primer (2024-Nov-25)
- Jelly Star: 1 month review (2024-Oct-23)
- Jelly Star (2024-Sep-24)
- Podcast RSS Generator (2024-Sep-02)
- Self-Hosted Email (2024-Sep-02)
- Emacs (2024-Aug-14)
- Backup strategy (2024-Aug-13)
- Featurephone: still going (2024-Jul-30)
- LinkedIn Blocked Me (2024-Jul-30)
- The Featurephone Experiment (2024-Feb-05)
- The State of Homebuilt Rock Band Drums (2024-Jan-15)
- Arduino, Big Builder, and Make (2024-Jan-05)
- Wii drum controller (2024-Jan-03)
- Rock Band / Clone Hero instruments (2023-Dec-27)
- Alpine Linux Homelab (2023-Dec-22)
- Windows Customizations (2023-Dec-15)
- Self-Hosted Email (2023-Nov-29)
- Your First Train Trip (2023-Oct-28)
- Big Builder (2023-Oct-27)
- How I Get from Los Alamos to Richland (2023-Oct-21)
- Train Bag (2023-Oct-10)
- High School Reunion (2023-Sep-26)
- Business Travel on Amtrak (2023-Sep-25)
- New Job (2023-Jun-20)
- Universal Date Format (2023-Mar-14)
- Trains (2023-Mar-07)
- The Love Boat s2e11 (2023-Jan-30)
- The Love Boat s02e10 (2023-Jan-25)
- The Love Boat s02e01-e09 (2023-Jan-24)
- Photography (2023-Jan-23)
- Doctor Who S04E15: Dr Who goes to Scotland (2023-Jan-12)
- The Yurt (2023-Jan-07)
- Iceland trip (2023-Jan-06)
- Smart Watches (2022-Nov-28)
- My technological flag in the sand (2022-Oct-28)
- CLRG Award Points Artifacts (2022-Oct-10)
- CLRG Scoring Analyzed (2022-Oct-09)
- My Take on CLRG's Cheating Scandal (2022-Oct-05)
- CLRG's Cheating Scandal (2022-Oct-04)
- Cars I Have Known (2022-Oct-02)
- Truck bling (2022-Sep-06)
- Lights! ... (2022-Sep-04)
- My (online) Generation (2022-Aug-05)
- Bicycling (2022-Aug-03)
- Return of the blog (2022-Aug-01)
- Doctor Who S01E01-E03: Honey, I shrunk Doctor Who (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S01E01-E04: Cavemen and Fire (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S01E05-E11: Daleks! (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S01E12-E13: A Tardis Button Gets Stuck (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S01E14-20: Doctor Who goes to China (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S01E21-26: Finding the Chips (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S01E27-30: Doctor Who goes to Mexico (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S01E31-36: The Sensorites (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S01E37-42: Doctor Who vs the French Revolution (2021-Dec-23)
- Doctor Who S02E04-E09: Earth Again, and Daleks again (2021-Dec-23)
- All of Doctor Who (2021-Dec-22)
- Debian on Digimatrix (2004-Oct-27)